Master of Business Administration

Business for the Greater Good

Whether you want to run the company, launch a new career, or earn the degree that will get you a promotion, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app的MBA课程可以让你成为一个创新的商业领袖,激励和激励他人,超越所有的职业目标.

补充高级商业管理课程的坚实基础, 你可以选择一个专业:领导力还是一般商业.

This degree is completed 100% online.

Our graduates work at Deere & Company, Alliant Energy, MCI, Cargill, UPS, and many others. 

Ambrose Advantages

  • Relevant Focus, Valuable Lessons
  • Flexible Program with Two Industry Concentrations
  • GMAT Not Required
  • Online Classes

Professor in front of class

MBA Students

MBA Student Closeup

Bring your ambition to St. galaxy银河娱乐场app,我们将提供更个性化的学习经验,帮助你成功. 我们细心的MBA教师整合当前的趋势和现实世界的最佳实践. You gain leadership, project, 以及计划技巧来帮助你发挥你的优势,开阔你的视野.

See our MBA Fact Sheet (pdf)

Accreditation Focused on Quality Teaching

accreditation logo


The St. Ambrose H.L. 麦克劳克林工商管理硕士课程是由美国大学商学院和项目协会(ACBSP)认证的。. St. galaxy银河娱乐场app是由高等教育委员会认可的.

More Information on the MBA Program

What can you tell me about the success of the program?

我们的工商管理硕士课程于1977年推出, 这是圣乔治商学院开设的第一个商学院研究生课程. Ambrose University.

In 1984, the program was officially named the H.L. McLaughlin MBA program after a prominent area businessman. 在过去的40年里,许多商业和管理实践发生了变化, 我们的课程不断发展,以满足商业专业人士的需求.

Do we provide a relevant education? We surveyed our MBA graduates in 2015 and:

  • 100%的人表示MBA课程达到或超过了他们的预期.
  • 10位受访者中有9位将领导技能培养列为该项目最大的优势之一.
  • 94% would choose the SAU MBA again.
  • 十分之九的毕业生表示,课堂作业与他们的工作和职业相关且适用.

我们很自豪能够提供MBA课程,由在其专业领域拥有丰富经验的博士教授. They are academics and business professionals.

What Will I Learn?

The St. Ambrose University MBA program requires students to choose a concentration area,这有助于你成为当前或未来职业领域的专家. You can choose from Leadership or General Business.

Our MBA professors teach from their decades of experience in the working world and pass their knowledge on to you. 学院的教师都是来自各个商业和管理领域的专家,从国际交流到劳动力和组织行为学.

As a university grounded in the liberal arts, discovery and new ways of thinking are encouraged 哪些可以帮助你成为一个有能力的经理. 你不仅能够解决当前的问题,还能在新问题出现时灵活地思考.

Browse the MBA course listing and descriptions

安布尔·布拉克(Amber Brackey) 17届MBA, 18届MOL,在圣罗兰大学获得了两个研究生学位. 在galaxy银河娱乐场app商学院获得了更深层次的专业知识,得到了认可和赞赏. Read her story.

What have alumni of this program done?
  • Gayle Roberts '91 MBA is President of Stanley Consultants, a Muscatine, 总部位于爱荷华州的公司在全球范围内提供工程服务.
  • Joe Bailey, 12届,14届MBA,是密苏里州堪萨斯城Cerner公司的高级学习顾问.
  • Eva Dondanville '11 MBA, is a Realtor with Ruhl&Ruhl Realtors in Dubuque, Iowa.     
  • 乔·康克林12届MBA是达文波特艾尔曼高中的体育主管.
  • colin Grady '16 MBA是达文波特西北机械公司的现场主管.
How much does this program cost?


Tuition for the 2022-23 academic year is $755/credit hour for seated and online classes. There are some fees, too (see below).

While the cost can seem daunting, MBA课程提供研究助理奖学金,可以支付部分费用. 许多雇主提供学费报销,如果是这样,你可能有资格获得延期付款.

MBA学生可能有资格获得联邦和州学生援助,或低息联邦贷款. Our Financial Aid office can provide more information.

And if you are a veteran, contact Natalie Woodhurst. She is an expert in military benefits, 她的工作是确保退伍军人获得他们有资格享受的福利.

Graduate Fees

2023-24 Fees

9个或以上学时的研究生$280/年. ($140/semester)
8个或更少学时的研究生140美元/年. ($70/semester)


Dan Ebener, DBA, Professor
Monica Forret, PhD, Professor
Jessica Greenwald, PhD, Assoc. Professor
David O'Connell, DBA, Professor
Jie Peng, PhD, Assoc. Professor
Arun Pillutla, PhD, Professor

Degree Requirements

Master of Business Administration (36 credits)

The basic 36-credit MBA program is comprised of 12 courses. All courses are three credit hours.

Additionally, 学生将获得一门专业的MBA课程(见下文),作为基础课程的补充. Each concentration requires four elective courses.


MBA 600 Data Analysis for Decision Making
MBA 606 Accounting for Managers
MBA 615 Ethical and Social Responsibility of Business
MBA 621 Human Behavior in Organizations
MBA 626 Managerial Economics
MBA 675 Financial Management
MBA 680 Marketing Management
MBA 800 Strategic Management


Required Concentration

学生必须完成四门课程. 专注为你的学习提供了更大的重点,并增加了你的学位的相关性.

Concentrations in Leadership and General Business 是为希望专注于某一特定学科的学生而开发的吗.

Leadership (choose any four)
MOL 501 Leadership Theory
MOL 529 Conflict Management
MOL 540 Leadership Communication
MOL 625 Leading Organizational Change
MBA 690 Leadership Through People Skills
MBA 691 Dialogical Skills

General Business



我们是爱荷华州唯一一所提供三年制社会工作硕士-工商管理硕士项目的大学(这两个项目都是经过认证的). 它将管理与授权结合在一起,使您能够独特地利用道德商业意识探索和解决社会问题.

对于那些想成为社会工作和非营利领域领导者的学生来说,这是一个很好的学位. 毕业生能够在不断变化的市场中推动机构和公司向前发展.

Click here for MSW-MBA degree requirements


Ready to Apply?

If you apply at the beginning of a Spring or Fall term, 你可以在14个月内完成学位,每8周学习两门课程.

然后,朝着获得硕士学位迈出下一步 apply to the Master of Business Administration program.

Anthony Ash '15 MBA

我们的MBA校友领导着该地区乃至世界各地的公司和部门. 我们提供响应性教育,重点关注您的需求,以及那些寻求进步的企业和能够提供服务的专业人士. Anthony elevated his skills through our challenging, 以道德为基础的课程,并获得了广泛的商业基础,他今天继续建立.

Read Anthony's story
Anthony Ash mobile cutout Ash Anthony Cutout

Anthony Ash


我们的MBA校友领导着该地区乃至世界各地的公司和部门. 我们提供响应性教育,重点关注您的需求,以及那些寻求进步的企业和能够提供服务的专业人士. Anthony elevated his skills through our challenging, 以道德为基础的课程,并获得了广泛的商业基础,他今天继续建立.

See My Story

Apply Visit Info


Tony Ketelaar, Director of Graduate Admissions

Admissions and Welcome Center
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? Become an Ambrosian today!