Gift Boosts Health Sciences Impact


A $1 million gift will help create the Institute for Person-Centered Care at St. Ambrose University. The gift will also help launch a Master of Public Health degree program.

Donor Thomas Higgins - a former White House senior aide, 1967 graduate of St. Ambrose, 他说,他galaxy银河娱乐场app这些互补的举措将有助于他的母校在健康与人类服务学院的现有优势上建立起来,并将大学定位为全球医疗保健服务变革的“思想领袖”.

The Institute will be the first of its kind in the Midwest and will place St. galaxy银河娱乐场app和Quad Cities医疗保健galaxy银河娱乐场app在一个不断发展的运动的前沿,通过一个医疗保健专业人员的综合团队,创造一种更加协作的方法来治疗“整个人”.

与区域卫生和社会服务利益攸关方以及四方城市卫生倡议等联盟密切合作, the Institute for Person-Centered Care at St. Ambrose (IPCC) will provide education, 支持和领导创建以人为本的创新交付模式,加强区域内外的医疗保健和社会服务.


"We are looking forward to working collaboratively with St. Ambrose to develop new and innovative models of patient-care delivery," said Doug Cropper, president and CEO of Genesis Health System. “该研究所将成为帮助医疗保健关注治疗‘全人’的国家领导者.'"

Said Rick Seidler, president and CEO for UnityPoint Health-Trinity, “这项计划的核心是承诺通过一项全面的计划来改善四城人民的生活,该计划不仅关注他们的健康质量,而且关注他们的整体生活质量, as well. UnityPoint-Trinity is proud to be able to participate in this effort."

Sandra Cassady, PhD, vice president for strategic initiatives at St. Ambrose and dean of the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS), said the university's health sciences programs are particularly well suited to build, test and improve integrative methodologies. 这是因为现有的CHHS项目的学生已经在合作中工作和学习, inter-professional environment.

公共卫生硕士(MPH)课程将增加这种合作方式,并通过毕业的公共卫生专业人员准备采用多学科方法来影响政策,补充研究所的努力, fostering innovation and leading change in healthcare practice, both locally and globally.


Doug Cropper, president and CEO of Genesis Health System

St. galaxy银河娱乐场app将成为爱荷华州第三所提供公共卫生研究生学位的大学.

Both the IPCC and the MPH are made possible, in part, by Higgins' significant gift and determined leadership. A native of Springfield, Ill., he earned his St. galaxy银河娱乐场app政治科学和领导力研究文学学士学位,并通过促进更好的医疗保健实践丰富生活的热情建立了成功的创业生涯.

That passion first was kindled in 1971, 当时他被招募到达文波特市中心成立并领导一家药物滥用治疗诊所和康复中心. He subsequently served three terms representing Davenport in the Iowa General Assembly, where he chaired the Health and Human Services Committee. 希金斯于1977年成为美国卫生与公共服务部的高级管理人员,之后被吉米·卡特总统任命为白宫高级职员,担任内阁副秘书.

希金斯长期以来一直致力于建立以人为本的医疗保健实践方法, particularly in treating aging patients. He was the founding chair of The SCAN Foundation, 这是一个独立的慈善组织,专注于改善美国的老年人护理支持和服务. For the past two decades, Higgins has been a board member for SCAN Health Plan, a non-profit Medicare HMO.

His leadership in creating the IPCC and MPH at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app将他对医疗保健的兴趣与对社会正义和服务于我们galaxy银河娱乐场app最弱势成员的galaxy银河娱乐场app核心价值观所锚定的教育价值的深刻信念相结合.

"We are privileged to have such an innovative and generous person as Tom within our St. Ambrose community," said Sister Joan Lescinski, CSJ, PhD, president of the University. “他愿意将自己的资源和远见带到我们不断发展的健康科学项目中,这为圣·史密斯提供了一个绝佳的机会. galaxy银河娱乐场app积极影响更广泛的galaxy银河娱乐场app,同时准备未来的医疗保健行业的领导者."

该研究所将建立在CHHS健康和服务相关项目的稳步扩展基础上, which was founded in 1987. Existing graduate-level degree programs include the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD), Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS), Master of Speech-Language Pathology (MSLP), Master of Social Work (MSW) and Master of Science in Exercise Physiology (MSEP).

“我们正在利用我们开始时的优势——我们已经建立了信誉和卓越的大学元素... Now, 我们正在寻求整合这些因素,为改革医疗服务做出真正积极的贡献."

Thomas Higgins

St. Ambrose also offers two undergraduate nursing degrees along with degrees in psychology, sociology and exercise science, all of which can be pathways to careers as health professionals. 卡萨迪说,卫生与公众服务部在协助发展以人为本的医疗模式方面处于有利地位.

"We already have seen extensive collaboration among the program directors, faculty, staff and students," she noted. "This has resulted in numerous inter-professional learning opportunities, including case-based inter-professional courses, 为QCgalaxy银河娱乐场app服务不足的成员提供一个跨专业的无偿诊所,并提供许多出国留学机会,让学生进一步了解全球卫生需求. 公共卫生硕士课程将进一步加强我们的医疗保健服务,并为圣霍普金斯大学的双学位提供机会. Ambrose." 

Higgins said other St. Ambrose degree programs such as the Doctor of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, 组织领导硕士和多个与信息技术相关的本科和研究生课程也可以为IPCC的倡议做出贡献.

The IPCC, he said, will provide St. galaxy银河娱乐场app说:“这是一个为健康与人类服务学院创造品牌形象的机会,它说明了真正的地区领导力.

“我们正在利用我们开始时的优势——我们已经建立了信誉和卓越的大学元素," he said. "Now, 我们正在寻求整合这些因素,为改革医疗服务做出真正积极的贡献."

Amy Novak, EdD, Sarah Eikleberry, PhD

At the end of each academic year, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app表彰一名教师和一名工作人员对大学和更大的四城galaxy银河娱乐场app的杰出贡献. This year’s award-winners are Sarah Eikleberry, PhD, and Caitlin O’Brien.

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